Saturday, July 23, 2011

What Babies Do In This Unbearable Heat

Thursday was supposed to be mine and Ollie's first field trip to the beach together. But when temperatures reached over 100 degrees, we decided an indoor, air conditioned field trip made more sense. So we hopped a bus to IKEA!!! We had a whole entourage--me, Ollie, our Mommies, Nona, Poppy, and Ollie's Grandma. It turned out to be a brilliant idea, occupying all of us for hours.

We started with a lunch of (what else?) Swedish meatballs. But Ollie and I were way more interested in the nearby play space and child-friendly displays, than we were in our food.

I systematically arranged these stools.

And then REarranged them.

Until I found the perfect place for all of them.

This bed was too soft.

Ollie said this one was too hard.

But this one was just right.

There were so many fun things all around us.

So much to explore.

And countless things to get into.
So what did I think of IKEA?

Hmmm...I think I like it here!

1 comment:

  1. ...and i think we had a fun time and absolutely adore you!!!
