Wednesday, November 30, 2011

One Month Already?

Happy one month birthday, Aiyana! Looks like you were finally able to sit up long enough for Mommy to snap a picture.

Although you don't look very happy about it.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Roll It, Pat It

Practicing my rolling and patting so I could help Mommy with Christmas cookies in the upcoming weeks!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Hanukkah in November?

Hanukkah in November? Yup!

Many of us will be celebrating Christmas and traveling in December, so we coordinated an early Hanukkah with Daddy's side of the family. Aunt Robin made it super fun with lots of kiddie activities for me and my cousins.

When I wasn't doing arts and crafts, I was busy gazing into Ronen's eyes.

Trying caviar for the first time (and disliking it.)

Lighting Hanukkah candles.

And opening presents, of course. (My own tool box, yay!)

And while I was busy enjoying my second Hanukkah, my baby sister was sleeping peacefully through her first.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Growing Up Nicastro

On the day after Thanksgiving we had the whole Nicastro clan together for the first time since Anthony and Aiyana were born. Which means we now have four babies under the age of 20 months. That also means there's lots of chaos, lots of crying, and of course, a whole lot of love.

Aiyana, meet your cousin, Anthony Francis.

Anthony, meet Aiyana Eden.

Both are proud to be 50% Italian.

Anthony is only nine days older, but about four pounds heavier.

We attempted a picture of Nona and Poppy with all four of the grand babies and hoped that one of them (or two of them) didn't have a meltdown. That was wishful thinking, I guess :)

Once everyone got fed and changed, we made a second attempt at the family photo, this time with all twelve of us. 

I think we were successful!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Highlights

It was a perfect Thanksgiving. We started the day in Manhattan at the 911 Memorial. 

It was super cold, so I traded DogBunny for the warmth of my jacket pockets.

Mommy had some cooking to do, so I stayed out of her way by raiding her closet and discovering Aiyana's pacifier collection.

Daddy and Aiyana happily stayed out of Mommy's way too.

When Aiyana wasn't sleeping, she charmed Uncle Du and Aunt Kelley.

And was a great sport when it came time to pose for pictures.

Dessert was extra special because the pumpkin pie doubled as a birthday cake for Nona.

And while I have so much to be thankful for, I'm most grateful for my baby sister, who I continue to adore.

Happy Thanksgiving all!

Love, Zadia and Aiyana

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Three Weeks

Upright and slightly unhappy.

Poised and content.

Slippery and helpless.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Day In The Life





Sunday, November 20, 2011

Family Field Trip

Daddy had to work today, but when he got home we took a family field trip to Brooklyn Bridge Park to ride the carousel.

 It was Aiyana's first subway ride! You needn't worry though--the subway germs help strengthen her immune system.  

My favorite book these days is "Good Night New York City." We always read about the Brooklyn Bridge, but it was even better to see it in person.  

Before riding the carousel, we indulged in chocolate treats from Jacques Torres's store. I got biscotti (boring.)

 But Mommy was kind enough to share her spicy hot chocolate with me. Mmmm.

 Do I have chocolate on my lip?

I got sidetracked by all the pebbles and stones, so it took us a while to make it to the carousel.

But we finally got there and I was so excited to ride the brown horse.

Until I saw the gray horse and insisted on switching horses mid-ride.

Much better.

It was Aiyana's first carousel ride and she slept through the whole thing.

Then we went to the playground. I kept up with the big kids just fine.

It was getting dark and cold, so we headed back to our neighborhood.

But not before stopping off for a burger and a beer.

Which, by the way, I still don't like beer very much.