Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Spring Break Fieldtrip

Mommy thought it would be fun to end Spring Break with a bang (and a cup of tea.) The plan was to make our way to the Central Park carousel with our friends Audrey and Aisley, and then have lunch and tea at nearby Alice's Tea Cup. 

But we couldn't pass by the zoo and not go in. And finding the carousel wasn't as easy as we'd hoped. And getting two sleepy little girls home after an exhausting day in Manhattan was trickier than expected. 

Singing "Let it Go" on the train.

Exploring Central Park.

Saying hello to the sea lions.

A distraction on the way to the carousel.

We finally made it to the carousel!

It was worth the LONG walk.

Take my ticket please!
By the time we made our way to the carousel, it was lunch time. And by the time we were done at the carousel, we were hungry and tired. Good thing we had an i pad so we could watch "Frozen" in the back of the cab.

And again at the restaurant.

We were so tired and cranky, that our mommies let us get away with eating scones for lunch and cookies for dessert. (Anything to keep the peace in a restaurant with four tired girls.)

After a 7-hour adventure, we were all beat. We made it most of the way home on the train, but then hopped a cab for the last leg of the trip. Have you ever tried to get two sleeping kids and a stroller out of a cab and up to the 10th floor of an apartment building? 
Mommy says it wasn't easy.

But we made it, and we had fun. It was, however, a VERY long day. I told Mommy I don't want to go on any more adventures unless they're in Brooklyn and involve a playground. But I'm sure I can be convinced.

Love and afternoon tea,
Zadia Love

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Sightseeing with the Cousins

Spring Break is great, especially if it means a visit from Ysabella and Anthony. Zadia had a 24-hour stomach bug, but got over it just in time to welcome our family last Wednesday. And to our surprise, Nona came up to visit again too. That meant nine of us sleeping in our little apartment. It can get a little tight, so we tried to spend our days out and about.

Day one was a subway adventure to lower Manhattan to see Daddy at work.

On day two we did an exhausting trip to the Statue of Liberty. We had to wait in long lines, it was cold and windy, Zadia was upset that we couldn't climb the statue, and I (Aiyana) wanted to get off the boat and swim in the river. Other than that, it was a nice day. But perhaps not an experience we would recommend for four little kids.

And when we weren't out enjoying Manhattan, we stayed in and enjoyed playing right on top of each other.

Love and lots of cousins in small spaces,
Aiyana Eden

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Passover in Massachusetts

Last weekend was spent in Massachusetts. It was a double celebration of Passover and my birthday. As Aiyana would say while pursing her lips, " Zadia's birthday AGAIN?" Lucky for me, YES! 

But first we had to celebrate Passover by coloring Easter eggs. Makes perfect sense, right?

We were blessed with nice weather on Saturday so we took advantage of the big back yard. Aiyana liked the swing set best, and I wandered around collecting acorns in my backpack.

The Seder had all of the traditional components--hard boiled eggs, Nana's brisket, Grandma Marcia's matzo ball soup, and Steve's haroset. We've become picky eaters, so all I ate was matzo, and all Aiyana ate was salt water and carrots. Mommy and Daddy say we have no idea what we missed.

Normally we don't get dessert if we don't eat our dinner, but how could we be deprived of my melty ice cream cake?

We always have so much fun in Massachusetts and we just adore our cousins. Leaving actually caused a major meltdown this time. I simply did NOT want to go home and I had to be forced into my car seat.

I started feeling a little less cranky after a two-hour car nap. And I started to smile again when we stopped off in the Bronx to use the potty and discovered a stable and pony rides. Yeehaw!

We sure do love spending time with our family, even it doesn't include cake and presents for me. (But the presents, like this one from Steve and Grandma Marcia, are always welcome!) 

Love and celebrations with cousins,

Zadia Love

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Birthday Recap

We've been busy with birthday celebrations, family visits, and house guests and we've fallen a little behind on our blog posts. 

I've been four for a whole week now. But unfortunately, birthdays aren't just about candles and presents. 4-year-old birthdays also come with new responsibilities and higher expectations. As I told Mommy one day in the middle of a meltdown, "It's really tough being 4." 

But enough about that. The actual day of my birth, April 10th, was full of my favorite things.

I woke up bright and early and got to work right away on solving the clues that led to me treasure.

Mommy and Daddy bought me a pink sleeping bag, and Aiyana got me a zebra, who I appropriately named, "Softie."

Daddy went to work late so we could eat breakfast together (cereal for both of us), and Mommy cleverly lit a candle in my watermelon.

Then it was off to school in my coordinating Zebra outfit and new stuffed animal, where there was a pink crown waiting just for me.

And as if that wasn't a special enough day, we had mac-n-cheese for dinner and went out for dessert. Blue cotton candy ice cream and a candle for me, please.

Oh, and Aiyana will have the same.

My birthday was a great day, full of sweet treats, little surprises, and loving birthday wishes. 

But for now, it's back to the very difficult job of being four. 

Love, watermelon, and cotton candy,
Zadia Love