Monday, February 28, 2011

Expanding Vocabulary

I discovered a new game today. I throw DogBunny in the laundry basket, Mommy buries him, and I pull the laundry out until I uncover him. I squeal like a little girl every time I see him. (Oh wait, I am a little girl.)

Once DogBunny tired himself out playing hide-and-seek, Mommy had to put him to bed (i.e. Mommy doesn't want me to drag DB around with me 24/7, so she made up a clever game where she asks me to hand over DogBunny so he can go night-night.) This game works quite well, actually. Oh, in fact I'm pretty sure Mommy and I had an actual conversation about it, with actual WORDS!. Listen for "DogBunny", "Got it!", and "Night." Did you hear it?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Little Gym(nast)

Thursdays are my favorite because I have my class at The Little Gym and I can walk, climb, swing, hang, bounce, roll, jump, and tumble to my heart's content.

A seat? No thanks. I prefer to stand.
Just a quiet moment to reflect.
Transfixed by bubbles.
A determined little girl.
But, I saved my most impressive tricks for Friday, when Nona and Poppy took me back to the gym for a little extra playtime.

See, Poppy. I told you that you can let go of me!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Whoop! Whoop!

Thank you, Tracey, for babysitting me each week when Mommy goes to the gym. And thanks for having your video camera nearby to catch my laughing fits. Question: Who's watching me and Ollie while you're busy taking pictures and video taping me? (Just kidding, Tracey, I know you care excellent care of me!)

To see the accompanying photos of this week's playtime at Tracey & Oliver's, click here.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Heavy Lifting

Being the first of my friends to walk isn't enough for this over achiever. I also need to carry large, heavy, and cumbersome objects while walking. Show off? Maybe a little.

The box is bigger than me. So what?

I can hold the box and walk. I get my multitasking skills from my mommy.
Got it!

One isn't challenging enough. so I'm going for two.

Obviously stronger than Daddy.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

More Tummy Time

Remember when I was only 4.5 months old and accidentally rolled under the couch?

Well, here I am at 10.5 months, and under the couch again. Only this time it was more deliberate

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spring In My Step

So what if it's the middle of February. It was 60 degrees on Friday, Grandma Marcia was visiting, and Daddy took the day off to spend it with us. That's three great reasons to have a spring in my wobbly baby step.
Where's Zadia?
There I am. In the back!
Dining outside in New York City, in the middle of February. How lovely.
Not too big or too small for the slide. We're both just right.

Sweet Tooth

Valentine's day wasn't just about hearts and flowers--it was also about sweets Mommy and Daddy took me to Brooklyn Farmacy and Soda Fountain, an old school ice cream and soda shop. I had my first sip of soda (grapefruit!) and my very first lick of ice cream (it was a peanut butter sundae, actually.) Obviously, these sweets were only allowed because it was a special occasion. But now I'm looking very forward to my birthday, because I know there will be more ice cream, and knowing Mommy, cupcakes too!                        
Two straws please.

Although I prefer the ice over the soda itself.
This was after the ice cream sundae.
Appropriately dressed in pink and purple.

Just when I thought my day couldn't get any sweeter, my Valentines topped it off with a special present. My new wooden slice and bake cookies were the icing on the cake. Or the cherry on top.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Take Your Zadia To Work Day

It wasn't really take your daughter to work day, but after Mommy and I met Daddy for lunch, he couldn't resist taking me back to the office to show me off.

Do they make these in baby sizes? Cause I sure do bump my head a lot lately.
The only reason Daddy has two screens on
his desk is so he can get a double dose of Zadia.

After heading back to Brooklyn and breaking for a nap,
Mommy and I met Charlotte and her mum in the park.
This is the first time we've been let loose on a playground.
And just think, these hands will go in my mouth after.
At least I protected my little knees and feet with my
trusty rainbow leg warmers and new walking shoes.
Life is like a box of Crayola crayons. Only cuter.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Improved Skill Set

More walking...

More eating...

And just for fun, watch my expression when Mommy walks through the door...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

In The Buff

Being the feisty little girl that I am, I always put up a good fight when I'm having my diaper changed. Sometimes resisting tires me out completely and I fall asleep in Mommy's arms right in the middle of getting dressed. And every once in while, Mommy throws her hands up in the middle of a diaper change and says, "Zadia, you win." This was one of the times that I got my way.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Zadia See, Zadia Do

Zadia, kiss the baby.

 Zadia, rock-a-bye the baby.

 Zadia, feed the baby.

Love Is My Middle Name

Happy first Valentine's Day to me! Will you be mine?