Friday, February 28, 2014

Zadia's Book of Animals

I've been very, very, VERY into drawing lately and very, very, VERY into my animal friends. Last week my animal friends (who, like me, have lots of creative energy) drew portraits of each other. Mommy helped me put them together into a neat little book titled Zadia's Book of Animals.

"Squeaky the Giraffe", drawn by Butter

"Sarah" the terrier, drawn by Bananas

"Bananas" the round monkey, drawn by Penguin

"Mint" the cocker spaniel, drawn by Hedgehog

"Hedgehog" drawn by Sock Monkey

"Butter" the long-eared bunny drawn by Squeaky the Giraffe

"Big Woof" drawn by Peekaboo

"DogBunny" drawn by Mint

"Penguin" drawn by Zadia

"Sock Monkey" drawn by DogBunny.

Love and pride in my talented stuffed animals,
Zadia Love

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Vacation Perks

One of the perks of going on vacation with a professional photographer is that you get amazing photos (thanks Ron!) 

With no end to winter in sight, we find ourselves looking back at these photos and remembering warmer times.

Love and memories that keep us  toasty,
Aiyana Eden

Monday, February 24, 2014

Slides and Ice

Saturday felt like an early Spring day. We eliminated one layer, left our snow boots at home, and hit the ice-covered playground. Ice skating between the swings and the slides, and then over to the monkey bars was pretty fun. Falling on the ice, not so much.

Love and sisters sliding.
Aiyana Eden

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Bus Stop

Zadia didn't have school this week so we had a week packed with outings and playdates. On Thursday we took the B65 to the Brooklyn Children's Museum with our friend Bella. 

We were a sea of purple and pink. 

                         Mommy's hoping Spring comes soon just so she can get pictures of us in 
                                           something other than these puffy purple coats!

                                                     Love and puffy coats at bus stops,
                                                                          Aiyana Eden

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Art Show/Sale

It all started last summer with a successful lemonade stand. But Mommy said selling lemonade might be tough in the winter months. So I said, "I want to sell my art instead." I only had to say it once. Mommy and I ran with the idea.

In the days before the show, I produced a dozen new drawings a day. We had hundreds to choose from, so Mommy and Daddy stayed up late selecting, matting, and displaying my masterpieces all over the apartment.

Flower gardens.

Flowers and suns.

Single flowers.


Just a design.

Rainbow in a straight line, collage, homemade watercolor paints.

Self portrait.

Brooklyn Mountain and other watercolors.

Sock Monkey, DogBunny, Peek-a-boo, Sarah, and Butter.

Butter, Sarah, and Sock Monkey II.

Girl with an Umbrella & Fish in the Ocean.

Then I sat back in my chair with my Curious George "cash register" and waited for the customers to come. 

Twenty-five friends and family members came from three different states to see my art. Not bad for my first show!

While I was very excited to "sell" my art to them, I couldn't quite understand why people kept handing me money. Not that I minded, because that meant I could put the money in my piggy bank.

Even Aiyana got in on the fun by "selling" the brownies and cookies Mommy baked.

All but a few of my pieces were sold. But even if they didn't sell, I appreciated the exposure, the experience, and the company.

Mommy and I make a pretty good art and sales team. So good, in fact, that as soon as the show was over I started creating art for my next sale.

Mommy says one art show per year is plenty.

Love and entrepreneurial mommy/daughter teams,
Zadia Love