Friday, May 31, 2013

19 Month Birthday

Guess who's 19 months old today? (Please ignore the snot dripping down my face. Mommy was too busy recording my cuteness to wipe my nose.)

But seriously, how adorable is my singing?

Love and music to your ears,
Aiyana Eden


Aiyana and I are pretty good at taking care of other people.

This is my idea of a massage. Daddy was thrilled.

Love and attention,
Zadia Love

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


It was only a few weeks ago, but our weekend in Virginia for Ysabella's 3rd birthday/Mother's Day seems like forever ago. We're finally getting around to posting some of these must see photos of us with our favorite Nicastro cousins.

We got naked together.

Got silly together.

Watched movies and munched popcorn together.

Played nicely together (most of the time.)

And simply enjoyed hanging around each other (together.)

Love and togetherness,
Aiyana Eden

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Chef and The Cook

"Mommy, I'm the chef and Aiyana's the cook." Mommy asked what the difference is between the two. "Chefs wear hats and cooks don't." Obviously. 

This was the first time Mommy let us both be hands-on in the kitchen at the same time. Aiyana and I had some arguments about whose turn it was to stir, and Aiyana is still learning that she can't stick her hands in the bowl. But the cookies were made with love, and they tasted delicious.

 Love and sweet treats,
Zadia Love

Friday, May 24, 2013

Budding Artist

Give me some supplies, and I'll create a masterpiece. Most of my "art projects" end up being handmade "kites" or "toys." 

I'm definitely of the "more is more" philosophy, where the more buttons, Popsicle sticks, pom poms, and pipe cleaners I have taped/glued together, the better.

Mommy's favorite so far was the bouquet of Mother's Day flowers I made at school. They're not real, silly (although I did try to water them today.) They're just coffee filters painted with eye droppers .

Although Mommy says my most impressive art so far was the illustration  of "Zadia wearing tap shoes (at the zoo)" that I drew at school.

Love and modern art,
Zada Love (see official signature below)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


There are some very sleepy people in our house lately. Except when we actually should be sleeping, like at 11pm and 4am, which are the times Aiyana generally likes to wake up screaming. Luckily, I'm a very deep sleeper.

Love and sleepless nights,
Zadia Love

Monday, May 20, 2013

Potty Break

Just taking a little break from shopping to use the potty. I do this several times a day, but am still perfecting the part where I actually pee in the potty.

That was fun. And now, back to shopping!

Love and potty breaks,
Aiyana Eden

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sprinklers On, Shirts Off

Hooray! The sprinklers are on! Such an exciting time of year in New York, signaling the beginning of warmer days. Friday was a mild day, but if the sprinklers are on, you bet we'll be running through them.

Aiyana was quick to take off her shirt, and just as quick to try to take off her pants and diaper too.

And very clearly had no interest in leaving, even when she was all wet and cold. 

Love and bare bellies,
Zadia Love

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Camera Happy

We're still sorting through the several hundred pictures we have from our weekend in Virginia with our cousins. So for now, you'll have to settle for these two collections of photos from our hometown Brooklyn.

Oh, and we have a new camera and have been just a teeny bit camera happy. So sit down and get comfortable. You might be here a while.

And don't forget about me...

Love and snapshots from Brooklyn,
Aiyana Eden