Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Field Trips and Prairie Dogs

Tiny Human Academy went on a field trip to the Prospect Park Zoo last week. Mommy wasn't planning to come along, but I asked her very sweetly if she and Aiyana could join us because we needed extra hands, and well, how could Mommy say no to that? All in all we were six preschoolers, two toddlers, and five adults, which made for lots of much-needed extra hands. (Which came in handy when it was lunchtime, we were hungry and tired, and we had to wait more than thirty minutes for the bus home.)

We all did a really great job of staying together while walking around and crossing streets.

 We sat quietly on the bus and all pulled the rope for our stop.

We sat nicely while enjoying our snack.

And as tired as we were, we sat very patiently waiting, and waiting, and waiting for the bus to take us back home.

Oh yeah. And in between all that we had an awesome time watching and feeding the animals.

Love and class trips,
Zadia Love


  1. that looks like so much fun! my brave little girls feeding the animals at the petting zoo! thanks chris and brooke and steve and dominique and teacher vickie!

  2. What a beautiful bunch! Brings back so many memories of my daycare years! love to all
