Friday, May 24, 2013

Budding Artist

Give me some supplies, and I'll create a masterpiece. Most of my "art projects" end up being handmade "kites" or "toys." 

I'm definitely of the "more is more" philosophy, where the more buttons, Popsicle sticks, pom poms, and pipe cleaners I have taped/glued together, the better.

Mommy's favorite so far was the bouquet of Mother's Day flowers I made at school. They're not real, silly (although I did try to water them today.) They're just coffee filters painted with eye droppers .

Although Mommy says my most impressive art so far was the illustration  of "Zadia wearing tap shoes (at the zoo)" that I drew at school.

Love and modern art,
Zada Love (see official signature below)

1 comment:

  1. Zadia, you are so creative and you're pretty good in the drama department as of the many reasons why we love you so much! xoxoxoxo (when you see all these hugs and kisses.....half are for Aiyana from nona and poppy)
