Friday, March 28, 2014

Created by Aiyana

It took ten weeks of music class for me to detach myself from Mommy. But in art class it only took ten minutes. 

Here's my first (yet-to-be-fired) masterpiece. It's a self portrait. Can't you tell by the wavy, yellow hair?

Love and messy Mommy-and-me art classes,
Aiyana Eden

Monday, March 24, 2014

Friday Routine

Monday is adventure day. Tuesday is back-to-school day. Wednesday is music class/art class day. Thursday is coffee-shop-with-Mommy's-friends day. And Friday? 
Trader Joe's day.

We make the mile walk to Trader Joe's every Friday after we drop Zadia off at school. Mommy gets her free sample and miniature coffee, and I leave with a bar and stickers. We always use the potty. Twice. We stuff the double stroller with enough groceries to feed a family of four for a week and we have a leisurely walk home. I stop to smell the flowers, balance on every curb, and chase squirrels. I help Mommy unpack the groceries, and then we rush back out to pick Zadia up from school. 

It's a routine both Mommy and I love.

Banana yogurt - my favorite!

"Mommy, I got it."

Where's my bars?

My bars in one box, Daddy's in the other.

Grocery shopping can be dangerous.

Love and morning routines with Mommy,
Aiyana Eden

Friday, March 21, 2014

My Favorite Day

Today was "wear your favorite colors to school" day. I looked through all my purple and pink clothes last night and selected the perfect outfit.

I got up before my light came on because I was just too excited to sleep. I made Mommy and Daddy wear their favorite colors (purple for Mommy and blue for Daddy.) I clipped a few extra pink flowers onto my purple headband, just to be safe.

And then I made up a song about my favorite day.

My friend Evan also loves purple and pink, but  he didn't have clothes those colors. So I brought him a pink shirt and purple socks. Evan, Miss Nicole, and I were quite colorful in our pinks and purples.

Love and fifty shades of pink (and purple),
Zadia Love

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Lip Gloss and Silly Outfits

A little serious, a lot of silly, and a ton of big personality.

A rare quiet moment.

My favorite t-shirt.

Obsessed with Mommy's lip gloss.

Lip smacking good.

"I'm getting my exercise."

This is what happens when I dress myself.


Looking for Mommy's lip gloss again.

A total character.

Love and big personalities in little girls,
Aiyana Eden

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Stroller Pushers

Our neighborhood is full of stroller-pushers. We might be two of the littlest (and strongest) ones.

Love and stroller strides,
Aiyana Eden

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Very Cheesy Day

Daddy has had to work some weekends, so he took Monday off so he could spend some extra time with us. Monday was gray and gloomy--the perfect day for a trip to Chuck E. Cheese's, which we have been asking to go to for months. And cheesy it was. The dimly lit arcade wasn't quite the magical place Mommy and Daddy remembered as a kid, but it was exactly what Aiyana and I hoped for.

Mini carousels.

Chuck E Cheese himself.


Pizza and bubble water.

Pigtails and pizza.

Good thing I wore my riding boots.


And then it was back home for a family nap, Daddy's favorite stay-home-day activity.

Love and family field trips,
Zadia Love

Sunday, March 9, 2014

All In A Day's Work

Today was supposed to be a "Daddy stay home day," but Daddy had to work. Boo. (Remind Mommy not to give me this news right before heading off to school in the morning, as I didn't take it very well yesterday.) 

As upset as I was, there was slight consolation in visiting Daddy at work, since we just LOVE going to his office and photocopying our toys.

Visiting the site was pretty cool too, but AIyana was not happy about the noise. 

We had lunch on a park bench near Daddy's office and were pleasantly surprised by how much fun it is to play in the sandbox in March.

It was a beautiful, sunny day and we were tired, but not quite ready to go home. We discovered a candy store near the Southstreet Seaport and inhaled jellybeans while gazing at the Brooklyn Bridge and old wooden sailboats.

It was nearing nap time, so as Aiyana drifted off in the stroller, I bought the "purple-iest flowers" I could find. 

Then it was back to Brooklyn. 

We had fun on our adventure, but we'd always rather have Daddy home with us.

Love and bubble gum jellybeans,
Zadia Love

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Mardi Gras Mambo

I had been looking forward to Tiny Human Academy's Mardi Gras party for weeks. On Fat Tuesday I wore my purple, green, and gold, my crown and beads, and did the best mambo on this side of the East River. 

I'm such an enthusiastic performer, that Miss Nicole put me front and center!

Love and the first of many dance performances,
Zadia Love

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

It's Always Christmas in Delaware

We went to Delaware this past weekend to visit Mommy's college friend, Amanda, and her daughter, Clara. It didn't snow while we were there (it was actually quite mild), but Amanda still had her advent calendar, wreath, and Christmas mugs out, so Mommy joked that "it's always Christmas in Delaware." That made small town Dover seem like a magical place to us! 

Plus, Clara had a tricycle and a "playground" right in her back yard, and luckily that's all it takes to make us happy.

We were only in Delaware for 24 hours, but it was long enough to make a new friend. 

Too bad we were too overtired to get a good picture with her. Maybe when they come visit us in Brooklyn?

Love and 24-hour road trips,
Aiyana Eden