Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Keepin' Up With Zadia

Mommy and Daddy finally figured out how people can sign up to get emails whenever I publish new posts. Enter your email address in the box to the left where it says "subscribe"-- I promise I won't send you anything other than a daily email, and only on days when I post new blog entries. 

Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm a Girl

Despite the overalls, you can tell I'm a girl by my socks, by my bracelet,

...and by how long my eyelashes are!
~*girls rule boys drool*~

Sunday, May 23, 2010

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

Mommy, slings, and


Music and Muffins

Mommy took me to a "music and muffins" playgroup around the corner from here with some other new mommies and babies! I mostly just played with Mommy though.

Lingering On Daddy

Scary hairy man Daddy and me at Linger Lounge right across the street.

Mom got an iced tea, Dad got a beer, and I got a boob.

Saturday, In the Park

Daddy's company built the park, so why is he not smiling?

Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes (Part 3)

We're going to do these pictures until I go to college!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes (Part 2)

I just can't stop growing. 5 weeks old and I can just about sit up on my own. 

Mr. Sock Monkey is not holding me up.

Mr. Sock Monkey is not barely holding me up.


Jadon and Zadia

Ronen and Zadia

Ronen and Zadia and Jadon

Zadia Love and Ysabella Sophia

Ysabella and Zadia

Zadia and Ysabella

Zadia and Leah
(okay, friends, not cousins)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Zadia, Paula, Phoebe, and Freddy

Apparently, my Mommy thinks she can play with me like I'm a toy!

Monday, May 10, 2010

2 Pounds, 11 Ounces, and 1 Inch in 2 Weeks!

I'm growing sooo fast! I gained almost three pounds and grew a whole inch in 2 weeks!

Who you callin' chubby?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Birthday Bathtime (with video)

Yay! I'm 4 weeks old today and Mommy and Daddy gave me a real bath! Up until now it's been just sponge baths, which are great, but not very splashy. Now that my umbilical cord is pretty much dried up (yes, i still have a bit of an outtie), I can finally take real baths.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Daddy's so crafty!Ii love the new crib-top changing table thing that he made me, and I can't believe he braided me a new handle for my moses basket - seriously?!?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Almost a Pro

Mommy and Daddy's friend, Carolyn, had me posing for photos when I was just one week old!

Monday, May 3, 2010


I'm blowing bubbles, and they look just like the Windows Vista screen saver. Or is it just a picture of me with the screen saver over my face? You decide. (Thanks Nona!)

Sunday, May 2, 2010


1 week old: squishy

2 weeks old: less squishy

3 weeks old: pudgy

5 weeks old: plump

6 weeks old: stout

8 weeks old: roundish

9 weeks old: pert

10 weeks old: rounder

Stay tuned for the thrilling evolution...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I'm So Non-Chronological

Sure, Mom and Dad, just post in whatever non-chronological order you want to. It's all the same to me anyway.

Rough Rider

What's more fun than watching me on a bumpy stroller ride?


My 3-Week Birthday in Prospect Park

It was pretty warm out today. I'm not allowed to wear sunscreen, but I had a great time in the shade in prospect park. Mommy and Daddy and Nona and Poppy and Uncle Jude packed sandwiches, but i just had the usual. Ho hum.

Hello World

Picture from my first day on Earth.

Finally! It took Mommy and Daddy a whole 3 weeks to set up my blog for me. Speaking of which, happy 3 week birthday to me!