Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Such a Treat

Aiyana, I'm so excited about your birthday. I had a little trouble sleeping last night because I was so excited to "sing you Happy Birthday through your crib." And I couldn't wait until this morning so I could "make you something special for breakfast." I can't believe there are zero days until your birthday. I'm even more excited about your birthday than I am about Halloween! And not just because you'll have to share all of your new toys with me. I'm just excited to celebrate you!

You were our little pumpkin, but now you've grown into a beautiful princess. Perhaps this is my favorite fairy tale of all!

Happy 2nd birthday little sister. Having you as my sister has been such a TREAT.

Love, sisters, and best friends,
Zadia Love

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Have You Fed a Peacock Lately?

The zoo seemed like a summer activity, but we caught a beautiful Autumn day and took a ride up to the Bronx to boogie down with the baboons. Not baboons actually, but gorillas.

Zadia was a litlte disappointed that the Zebra's weren't out, but the pink flamingos and baby giraffe were a pretty good consolation prize. Did you know flamingos are pink because of their salmon diet?

I was more into the animals I could see up close, like the ducks and the fish.

And while the popcorn was a huge hit for both of us, 

I enjoyed sharing it with the peacocks too.

 Love and food for peacocks,
Aiyana Eden

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Aiyana Outdoors

With Zadia in school four mornings a week, Mommy and I have had some quality time together, but we rarely spend time at home. We're busy going to classes, having play dates going to playgrounds, and running errands. We both prefer to be outside smelling the flowers, petting the kitty cats, and taking cute pictures.

Love and outdoor adventures with Mommy,
Aiyana Eden

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Pumpkins and Ponies

I was very excited to transform my pumpkin into a jack-o'-lantern. Surprisingly, I enjoyed the pumpkin guts much more than I had in past years.

Aiyana, however, was not so into the stringy, slimy pumpkin guts and wanted to be far, far away from it.

Mommy isn't a fan of carving pumpkins either, so they went for a walk instead. Mommy promised Aiyana a ride on the mechanical horse at the grocery store, but what they found was even better. The school across the street was having their Fall Festival and right there was a real horse. She was a little hesitant at first, but with Mommy by her side she enjoyed her first pony ride.

They finally made it to the grocery store, but Aiyana opted for the motorcycle over another ride on a horse.

Then it was back home for my big pumpkin reveal.

Ta-da! Daddy and I carved two pumpkins, and they even have hair! (My idea, of course.)

And Aiyana seemed to approve of our work.

Love and pumpkin everything,
Zadia Love

Monday, October 21, 2013

Apples, Finally!

We attempted apple picking last year, but the orchard was closed on the day we went. This year we tried to go two days in a row, but Virginia's pouring rain kept us in. We finally got a day with blue skies, so we left Virginia with a bushel and a peck.

Love, a bushel, a peck, and a hug around the neck,
Aiyana Eden