Thursday, June 28, 2012

Chivalry Is Not Dead

With busy schedules and younger siblings to consider (Ollie is expecting a baby brother or sister in November!), he and I don't see each other as much as we'd like to. 

But after all these years (and by all, I mean two whole years), the love is still there. 

Ollie + Zadia = Adorable

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Mommy's Job

Our neighbor, Bella, came over to play yesterday afternoon. I knew her mommy would be bringing her, but I was also curious about whether her daddy would be coming."

Zadia: "Is Bella's daddy coming too?"
Mommy: " No honey. He's at work, like Daddy. Lot's of daddies work during the day. And some mommies too."
Zadia (matter-of-factly): "You work, Mommy!"
Mommy (curious to hear my creative response to this): "I do? Whats Mommy's job?"
Zadia:"Clean up!"

It's true. Mommy is always cleaning up something. It's a good thing she has a little help every once in a while.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Follow The Leader

Not sure who's copying whom, but Aiyana and I like to do a lot of the same things at the playground this summer.

And here's a few more adorable playground pics of us doing our own things.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Our Backyard in Brooklyn

Our balconies are great when we want to step outside for some air or grill up some burgers. The expansive roof is perfect for running around and riding my scooter. And when we get hit with 95 degree weather, we're blessed with a little patch of green in the courtyard behind our building. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Moving and Talking

Aiyana is learning how to get around.

And just when we thought she couldn't get any cuter, she found her adorable voice.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's All Fun and Games

The water table was a great gift. Kids and grown-ups have fun playing around the table, right Poppy?

It's all fun and games, until someone gets hurt. Or in this case, until someone gets water splashed on her face by some little munchkin. (And anyone that has ever tried washing my hair, knows how much I hate getting water in my face.)

But how could I possibly stay mad at a face like this?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

7.5 Months: Vertical

Aiyana's 7.5 months old and she has a new skill every day.Today was the first time she got into a near-standing position without any assistance. Good job, Babe!


Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Dorons Take Manhattan

Today is Daddy's Day, and Mommy knew that all Daddy wanted was to spend time with his girls. But having an ordinary day would be too easy, so Mommy planned a fun afternoon in Manhattan and it was everything Daddy wanted it to be!

It started with a children's theater production of The Little Mermaid. That's Aiyana standing in the front row getting attention from the older kids, and there's me in the background taking the set apart.

Halfway through the show I said, "I want to go home," but I managed to stay until the very end. It was less than an hour long, thank goodness. We probably couldn't handle much more than that.

Mommy thought it would be fun to take me and Aiyana on the carousel at nearby Bryant Park, but it took a lot of convincing, since Mommy said there aren't swings and well, I'm only interested in parks that have swings. As soon as I saw the Merry-Go-Round, I was sold on Bryant Park!

 Aiyana loved riding the horse.

And in typical Zadia style, I had a very hard time deciding whether between a horse, a llama, a frog, or a hare. So I settled for the least exciting of them all--the stationary bench.

For a bookworm like me, the little chairs and outdoor kids library at Bryant Park were even more exciting than the Merry-Go-Round. 

Aiyana enjoyed the chairs too.

Since we were already on 42nd Street, we decided to humor ourselves, pretend were were tourists, and head toward Times Square. I was reluctant to go somewhere else without swings, but Mommy and Daddy said something about a Ferris wheel inside a huge toy store, and that sounded like a good alternative to me. 

So we had a little street snack and headed toward the big Toys R Us in crazy Times Square. 

We ran into a familiar face on the way, although my excitement waned when my furry friend got a little too close to me.

We finally arrived at Toys R Us without any major meltdowns (quite an accomplishment, considering it was 4pm and I hadn't napped all day.)

 I was thrilled to find that Mommy and Daddy were right. There was a huge Ferris wheel right in the middle of the store! I had my heart set on riding in the taxi cab or My Little Pony gondola. But when it was our turn to get on, we got placed in the Little People school bus. Uh-oh.
Mommy and Daddy held their breath, hoping my disappointment didn't lead to an all-out temper tantrum. They breathed a sigh of relief when I happily settled for the school bus. 

And we were off!

Aiyana preferred to nap through the whole ride. And I loved riding "up in the sky!" 

When it was time to go home, we figured the experience wouldn't be complete without the touristy, cheesy and over-priced family photo. Besides, we were two kids in a toy store. We could have left with a lot more than a few photos!

Dadday says it was a perfect, perfect day. Mommy says, only the best for a perfect Daddy.

Happy Daddy's Day, Dad. 
Your three girls love you more than a family adventure in Times Square. xo

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Swimsuit Season

We finally had a few days of perfectly sunny, summer weather. That means sun hats.


Pool parties.

Cute bathing suits.

Rooftop water fights.

And more ice cream than a 2-year-old should really be allowed to eat.