Monday, January 31, 2011

A Quickie

Just a few quick pics showcasing my new skills and interests.

Gaining independence.

Putting myself to sleep with DogBunny and my thumb.

Push toys look big for me, but they're just right.

No assistance needed here.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Senses of Humor

First of all, let me point out that my new favorite toy is an empty tennis ball container stuffed with headbands. As if this make-shift toy isn't funny enough, I seem to think it's even funnier when Mommy shakes it around and makes ridiculous sounds. Might you call this a sense of humor?

And just today Mommy had me in hysterics when she casually leaped onto the bed. Of course once she saw how much I enjoyed her acrobatic moves, she did it over and over again just to get a giggle out of me. I was laughing so hard I peed my diaper. (Oh wait, I think I do that all the time anyway.) But I did fall on the floor laughing. Literally.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Little Explorer

I'm into just about everything these days.

I'm the kind of girl that likes options.

Not only do I pull all of my socks out, but I like to eat them too.

Intervention perhaps?

Not sure why I look so guilty.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

9.5 Months: A Touchy Feely Story

An adaptation of one of my favorite books, That's Not My Dolly.
By Zadia Love Doron

That's not my sock monkey, his face is too scratchy.

That's not my sock monkey, her hair is too shiny.

THAT'S my sock monkey, his body is so squishy.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Temperatures in Brooklyn hit 8 degrees on Tuesday. Or was it Monday? Yes, it was Monday.
But Tuesday is the name of the cute redhead sitting behind me! Adorable, right?

When the temperatures are in the single digits, I'm super lucky to have friends just around the corner. So I rocked my sweatpants and thermal and Tuesday, Hana, and I stayed warm at Oliver's house.

(Thanks to Ollie's mama for sharing these great pictures.)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Silly Mommy

Last week Brooklyn saw one of the worst weather days so far this season. Which means it was also one of the most brutal days in my short, 9-month lifetime. It was rainy and windy and umbrellas were pointless. Muddy snow banks melted into 5" deep muddy puddles. Whose Mommy thought it would be a good idea to get me out of the house anyway? Well mine, of course. 

It was the first day of this semester's music class, and while all the wise mommies kept their kids at home, my silly mommy thought it was a good idea to schlep .9 miles in miserable weather with a baby strapped to her tummy. 

(Turns out there is one other silly mommy in Brooklyn, and that's Oliver's mommy!)

It only takes two babies to make it a party.

Where's Zadia?

Fewer babies means more tambourines for me!

I'm gonna bang on these drums all day.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Red Pepper

I'm pretty adventurous when it comes to trying new foods: chicken meatballs, bacon, egg salad, quiche, and mac-n-cheese.  I can't say I always like new foods, but I will try them. 

Sometimes again...

 and again...

 ...and again.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Over the River

We crossed the Hudson River to spend the day with Nana and Papa in New Jersey. They set a seat for me at the big-people table, bought all of my favorite foods (cheese, blueberries, grapes, and yogurt), and pulled out the special toys that are just for me when I visit.

Over the river and through the woods, to Nana's house we go.
Got milk?
Speaking of milk, check out the upside-down-one-handed grip I have on my bottle.
Daddy, the builder. Zadia, the destroyer.
I loved playing with the blocks, until Nana gave my her fancy tortoise bracelet.
I played my new favorite game, called "Look Ma, No Hands!"
And then I put the bracelet on my head because I know something goes on my head.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Like father, like daughter.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ambush Makeover

WAIT! Don't go away. You're in the right place. This is still my blog. The content is the same, but Mommy hijacked my account and changed the design. Hope you enjoy it!

Return of the Bow

My hair has gotten so long, that headbands and bows don't really stay put anymore. Plus, I've entered the phase where I hate having anything on my head. 

I also hate getting dressed, having my hair washed, getting my face cleaned, and having my diaper changed. But that's a different blog post. 

My bow is making a special appearance just for old times' sake (and to make Mommy happy, because she loves me in headbands.)

Yay! I have a pink bow in my hair again.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I hate having anything on my head.
Maybe I can do something else with this pretty bow.
Like bite it.
Oliver, you sure do have nice hair.

 That gives me another good idea...

Uh oh. I'm not sure Oliver's daddy is going to like this.
OK, Mommy. I'll cooperate and give you the smiling, happy shot you want, and then we need to come up with a new signature look for me.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Just Because

Do I need a reason to post pictures? I didn't think so :) 
Here are some cute ones, just because.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blue Marble Babies

Mommy worked at Blue Marble Ice Cream the whole time I was in her belly. The owner of Blue Marble was also expecting a baby, and only one day before my due date! 

To everyone's surprise, Jasper arrived much earlier than expected. So like most of my friends, he's older than me (and chubbier than me!)

Jasper and I got along really well.

Until he accidentally hit me in the head with a toy. Oops.

Doesn't Daddy look cute with two babies?

The Blue Marble babies and their ice-cream-loving mommies.