Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Remember This Guy?

It's been a while since I posted pics of me and Ollie, but don't worry, our friendship is still going strong and he (and his Mama) are still a constant in our weekly schedule. Our relationship has progressed since you last saw pictures of him in March. He's not alarmed anymore when I very enthusiastically invite him to play with me by grabbing him by the shirt collar. And he doesn't (usually) run away when I hug him or try to pick him up. And in fact, he even lets me feed him sometimes. We've grown to like a lot of the same things too. Like bare feet in the grass, bubbles in the park, and salt and vinegar potato chips.

Sometimes our outfits coordinate.

This is Ollie being totally unphased by me.

Must have been a good day for stripes.

Sharing a seat and a snack.

The disinterested look Ollie gives me when I smother him with love.

So excited for play dates in the park.

Yeah, we're kind of adorable together.

Monday, May 30, 2011

This Place Is a Zoo

We were upstate for the long weekend visiting my great grandparents. The rain held off long enough to fit in a field trip to the Utica Zoo and a local burger joint.

Ever see a white peacock? Me either. Because I was sleeping for this part.
Wide awake and coordinated with Daddy.
Goat or sheep? (Daddy had to Google that one.)
Goat food tastes like cat food. Yummy or yucky?
 I really didn't like the way this llama stared me down.
French fries dipped in broccoli-pea-pear sauce. That's one way to get me to eat my veggies.
Besides, eating my veggies means ice cream for dessert.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Barf City

How was the drive from Brooklyn to Frankfort? 

Great, except we stopped seven times, three of which were to change my clothes because I threw up all over them (I get my motion sickness from the Nicastro side.) Maybe that's whey I never liked my car seat?

I started out pretty happy.

 But a rear-facing car seat and traffic is apparently a bad combination for me.So stop number one occurred before we even got out of Manhattan.

Stop number two was in the Bronx. By this time, I threw up my dinner and my lunch. Mommy gave up on cute outfits and just stuck me in my pajamas.

But when I puked all over those somewhere in Westchester, it was on to outfit number three.

After that, it was (mostly) smooth sailing.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Bag Lady

 I'm kind of like those homeless people that roam the streets with a shopping cart filled with all their possessions. But Mommy says I smell way better.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

When Life Gives You Lemons

Make lemonade. Or eat the lemon, rind and all.

(A little out of focus, but too cute not to post!)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Who's That Girl?

Who's that girl strutting her stuff down Atlantic Avenue? It's just me, practicing my cat walk with Grandma Marcia.

I prefer to walk alone, thanks.

Especially when I'm doing the Michael Jackson Thriller walk.

I could get used to this fun game.

As long as I can take a break whenever I want to.

Okay, right back up again. Weeee!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

If Ya Can't Beat 'Em

Not sure why, but I have a small obsession with garbage cans. I throw everything in the garbage--clean tissues, dirty socks, a shoe or two. Oh, and I think that's where the pear to my play food set ended up. And my triangle sorting block. which I haven't seen in months.

Mommy got a little exhausted pulling clean things out of the dirty garbage, so she finally decided to give me a garbage (and tissue box) of my own! This should keep me busy for a little while, anyway.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

That Old Window Seat

Remember when I was only three months old and would sit in the window all the time and just stare at the crazy people, bright lights, and racing cars on my busy street corner? 

Well, I grew up a bit and have taken a more grown-up position in that same busy, corner window.

And the view sure is better from way up here.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

There's a What in Your Belly?

Zadia, there's a baby in Mommy's belly!

A what? Where?
 A baby? In there? I don't believe it. 

Yes, it's true. Your little brother or sister is right in there!

Oh wow! Your belly does look a little big!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Daddy Day Care

Mommy took a much-deserved night off and went up to Albany to visit Aunt Jenny. Of course I missed her like crazy, but Daddy and I also loved having each other all to ourselves. The rain didn't stop us from gallivanting all over Brooklyn, like music class, The Little Gym, the playground, and the farmer's market. 

 When we weren't out running around, we were creating masterpieces.

Cuddling up for naps together.

Eating like pigs.

Reading to each other and to DogBunny.

And trying like crazy to figure out how Mommy always makes my curls look so pretty.

Daddy, I'll take frizzy hair, a crooked bow, and a funny side part any time. As long as it means I get to spend the day with you :)