Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'm Happy and I Know It

Very exciting news here...I understand English! I've responded to my name for a while, but now I also know the word CLAP and can do it on command.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Delinquent Baby Blogger

OMG! I never posted the pics from Veteran's Day weekend when Nona, Poppy, Aunt Kacey, Uncle Cory, and Ysabella came to visit!

It's old news now, but Nona and Poppy babysat me while Mommy and Daddy went to dinner with friends, we all went to the Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum (in honor of Poppy's service in the Navy), and I showed Ysabella the best neighborhood hang outs.

A night time snuggle with Poppy and my beloved DogBunny.

Bundled up with Mommy.
Synchronized sleeping.
Watching Nona and Poppy in a flight simulator machine at the Intrepid museum.
Cautiously optimistic.
Thrill seeker.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Giving Thanks in Bklyn

This was Mommy's first year hosting Thanksgiving, and she managed to fit eight of us
in our little apartment.

I had my usual seat at the kitchen counter.

  I wore the bib Nona and Poppy brought me and I tried pureed turkey with cranberry chutney. Mommy tried it before serving it to me, and I agree with her--pureed meat is kinda yucky. I think I might stick with a vegetarian diet until I graduate to finger foods.

I helped load the dishwasher after dinner.

And the following morning I helped unload it!

Friday, November 26, 2010

7.5 Months, Oh My!

I looked so pretty in my diaper and flower, that Mommy couldn't resist
taking a few head shots.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Day In The Life

Tuesdays are music class, Wednesdays are our weekly Mom/Baby group, Thursdays are swim classes, and Fridays are play dates. So what's a typical Monday like?

 6am: Start the day, bright and early.

7am: Pull clothes out of drawers.

 8am: Eat breakfast with Mommy, then unfold laundry as she folds it.

9am: Fall asleep on the floor while getting dressed, then take a real nap in my crib.

 11am: Wonder why socks don't make noise when I bang them together.

 Noon: Hop on the train and meet Daddy for lunch in Manhattan.

 1pm: Say hello to the pigeons and flirt with a stranger before hopping back on the train, where I take a little cat nap.

 2pm: Make a pit stop at Oliver's to play with him and Zoey.

 4pm: Head home, straighten my bow in the mirror, then nap again.

 5pm: Wake up, have a little accident that requires a clean outfit, and go for a walk in the stroller.

5:15pm: Cry in the stroller until Daddy picks me up. Then smile because everyone knows a princess should ride on shoulders, not in strollers.

6pm: Eat dinner (or suck my thumb, which apparently tastes better than Mommy's homemade cauliflower and winter squash puree.)

 6:30pm: Play in the kitchen as Daddy baby proofs the cabinets.

7pm: Bath, bottle, book, and bed.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Zadia Love(s)

For all the Zadia Love(rs) out there.


We were invited to an early Thanksgiving with friends in New Jersey, so I cheated a little and had my first taste of mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie a few days early. I loved the real food, but I liked the pretend food even better. 

I was happy and easy going all day, and it was the first day that I didn't cry in my car seat, not even once!

Napping in the morning, before a big day in the suburbs. And holding on tightly so nobody steals my crib while I'm sleeping.

A cupcake and a pink, retro kitchen set. I'm most definitely my Mommy's daughter.
That's Owen. We sat at the kiddie table together.

Wow, this is a big window, but where's all the action?

You will always find Mommy and Aunt Jenny hanging out wherever the babies are.  

 Would you like an orange block with your scrambled eggs?

(And thanks Tracey, for adding the word "Fakesgiving" to Mommy's vocabulary.)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pajama Party

Notice Mommy and I are still in our pajamas. That's because it's 8am on a Thursday, the day Ollie's mom drops him off at my house so she can go the the gym. Wednesdays are my mommy's day, so she brings me to Ollie's house to play for an hour. Not only does a weekly babysitting swap benefit the mommies, but I also get to practice my "separation from Mommy" skills, an area that could definitely use some improvement.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Babies In the House

We hosted two playgroups at our apartment this week--the usual Wednesday group, and a more newly formed Friday group. It's kind of crazy having so many half-pints crawling and climbing around in a small space. We pull up on anything we can get our little hands on.





And yours truly!

No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn

Actually, no sleep ever. For me, Mommy, Daddy, or the neighbors. Since I started teething and experiencing separation anxiety, the days of sleeping through the night are over for me. 
Now I wake up screaming three or four times a night and have difficulty putting myself back to sleep. Oh yeah, and my naps are about 20 minutes top. So if I'm so under slept, why am I still smiling? Because I know that this, too, shall pass.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Rhythm Sticks

I'm getting really good at banging things together these days.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I'm a Little Tadpole

Mommy and I need to stay busy during the cold months, so we enrolled in baby swim classes. (No, they don't throw us in the water to see if we can swim.) We play with water toys, learn to kick, sing nursery rhymes, and blow bubbles. I love the class and never cry, not even when the big man in the lane next to me splashes water in my face.

Baby mug shot

"It's fun to stay at the YMCA."