Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hot Days, Cool Treats

Last week was very busy with visitors. After a fun few days with Jenny and Leda, Nona and Poppy came. Actually, they overlapped by about fifteen minutes. We had a very laid back (by Doron standards) few days with N&P. That's not to say we didn't do a lot of running around, but our days were spent making spontaneous plans based on whatever Aiyana and I wanted to do, which mostly means going to playgrounds.

We took Nona and Poppy to J.J. Byrne playground on Friday morning. Poppy made himself right at home and cleaned out the sprinkler drains. And Nona and I enjoyed a snack in the sun.

Ollie's Grandma Jane was also visiting and we like to get the grandparents together when their visits overlap. So after exhausting ourselves at the playground, all eight of us indulged in some Italian sandwiches and lemonade. Actually, the promise of lemonade was the only thing that got me to the restaurant, since I was really ready to go home to my DogBunny.

I'm glad I pushed through because lunch turned into a dance party for me and Ollie. And Aiyana did the usual--undressed herself and then tried to dress herself again.

Saturday was a hot one. We were debating between a boat ride to Governor's Island and the Pier 6 water lab. Aiyana and I don't remember the water lab from last year, so we chose that and loved it!

N&P and Z&A had some PB&J.

And then I got treated to an ice cream cone to celebrate my last day of school.

Aunt Kelley, Uncle Ahmadu, and Uncle Jude came over in the evening for a quick visit, and then they did the unthinkable--ALL the adults went out to dinner together and left me and Aiyana home with our babysitter, Kaycie. Yup, you heard me right. A family night out without the kids. Unbelievable right?

I actually didn't mind because I love my babysitter, and evening babysitters usually mean a movie and popcorn.

Nona and Poppy, we had so much fun being silly and cuddling with you last weekend.

Before you were in the elevator I was already asking when you'd be coming back. So I marked the calendar with a strawberry, a purple banana, and an orange, and I'm counting down the days until you come back.

Love and only fifteen more days,
Zadia Love

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Our Hearts Belong To Brooklyn

Ah, Brooklyn. We love you so. 

Mommy's best friend Jenny came back for a visit last week with her 14 month old daughter, Leda. It was so great for Mommy and Jenny to spend time together with their little girls in the city they both love so much. 

Even though I struggled with having another mother figure and another toddler in my apartment for four days, I must admit I really did have fun showing baby Leda all the things that make Brooklyn awesome.

Like going to three different playground in three days.

The Prospect Park Zoo is only 1.6 miles away--a short (?) 35 minute walk from our apartment. That means the ducks and goats are practically our neighbors!

I've been on a few carousels in my 19 months, but I'm pretty sure our zoo is the only one with a lion.

Brooklyn also offers some of the best food in NYC. Right Mommy?

Tell your Mommy that you need to come visit us in Brooklyn every summer. Two little girls my be company, but three is never a crowd (not even in our tiny apartment.)

Love and hugs from Brooklyn,
Aiyana Eden

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Moving Up

Last week was our last week of school. We had a little moving up ceremony to mark our growth and progress. We sang a few songs for our Mommies and Daddies, and some of us even performed solos. 

I can be really shy sometimes, but being "first" to do something definitely trumps being shy. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Classic Us

The end of this month has been crazy busy. Zadia had her last week of school, and Mommy's been busy wrapping up the school year, while also preparing for next year's class. Then we had a house full of guests which gave us lots of excuses to run around the neighborhood doing fun things, but very little time to blog. 

So while we work on catching you up on all of the June craziness, here's a little peak at what we've been doing while "bumming" around at home.

Zadia spotted a few bears (yes, bears!) in our apartment, so Daddy borrowed some Bear Spray from his office. Luckily, it seems to be keeping them at a safe distance.

And in classic Zadia style, my big sister continues to have a love/hate relationship with some of her favorite people. Sometimes she needs everyone (including her beloved DogBunny) as far away from her as possible.

Love and classic us moments,
Aiyana Eden

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Swimming With Grandma

We had an early Father's Day celebration in NJ last Saturday with Grandma Marcia and the great grandparents. We had an adventurous 2-hour commute out there by subway, van, foot, and bus. The commute was fun, but not nearly as fun as the company. We spent the afternoon by the pool, and Grandma Marcia was our personal swimming buddy. Such FUN!

Love and poolside fun,
Zadia Love

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

First Position

I started ballet class (or ballet school, as I call it) a few weeks ago. I'm three now, which means I get dropped off at classes where the mommies and daddies don't stay. Even though I do that for preschool all the time, being dropped at a class with a teacher and friends I don't really know is a BIG deal. Mommy stayed for the first class, just to make sure I was comfortable. I was :)

Love and pink leotards,
Zadia Love

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Pics for Daddy

Well Daddy, this was our third failed attempt at taking a nice picture together for you for Father's Day. One of us was always cooperative, while the other (younger) of us was always more interested in the props and the rewards. Which is not to say these aren't cute pictures. But they're not quite what Mommy had in mind as the perfect present for you.

The great thing is that in attempting to get pictures of us together, Mommy got some adorable pics of us by ourselves.

Sorry Daddy--part of your present will be late. But you've got your girls all to yourself today, and that's all you asked for, right? Happy Father's Day!

Love and Sundays with Daddy,
Zadia Love & Aiyana Eden