Friday, July 29, 2011

It's a Bird, It's a Plane

It's a shopping cart. No, it's a book mobile. (Actually, it's a riding toy.)

I like to fill my doll stroller with books, toys, play food, and hair accessories. So Poppy thought it made perfect sense for me to have a something a little sturdier, like a shopping cart. I thought it was a good idea first.

It's a shopping cart.

No, it's a book mobile.

No, it's for hanging hangers and ribbons off of.

Clearly, I was very interested in my new shopping cart when I first got it. But unpredictable me, I hated it today. I fussed when it was near me, I screamed when Mommy offered to put my doll in it, but then I flat our bawled when Daddy took it away. That is, until Daddy de-coded my grunts, fusses, and cries, and finally figured out what I wanted.

I wanted a ride!

This is its intended purpose, isn't it?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Color Me Happy

I love sitting in my new little chair, at my make-shift desk. And I love crayons, especially since I no longer try to put them in my mouth. For some reason I like white the best, which doesn't make for a very colorful picture on white paper. But try to take it away from me, and see what happens!

Don't you dare take my white crayon!

Teacher's pet.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


My friend Elodie came over for a playdate early Saturday morning. We had some girly fun together, while our moms caught up over coffee.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

How Many Years?

Today was Mommy and Daddy's 12th anniversary (and they were together for 3 years before that!) That means they've been together for nearly half their lives! I'm sure it's been great for them, but I'm guessing it got even better once they had me :)

Daddy took me out shopping early this morning and we put together a nice picnic for Mommy. It was still really hot out so it was a short picnic, but we had fun, nonetheless.

 My favorite parts were the cups.

The fruit.

And the potato chips, of course!

 Awww. Mommy and Daddy, after twelve years, you've still got it!

Happy Anniversary. I love you both soooo much. xo

Saturday, July 23, 2011

What Babies Do In This Unbearable Heat

Thursday was supposed to be mine and Ollie's first field trip to the beach together. But when temperatures reached over 100 degrees, we decided an indoor, air conditioned field trip made more sense. So we hopped a bus to IKEA!!! We had a whole entourage--me, Ollie, our Mommies, Nona, Poppy, and Ollie's Grandma. It turned out to be a brilliant idea, occupying all of us for hours.

We started with a lunch of (what else?) Swedish meatballs. But Ollie and I were way more interested in the nearby play space and child-friendly displays, than we were in our food.

I systematically arranged these stools.

And then REarranged them.

Until I found the perfect place for all of them.

This bed was too soft.

Ollie said this one was too hard.

But this one was just right.

There were so many fun things all around us.

So much to explore.

And countless things to get into.
So what did I think of IKEA?

Hmmm...I think I like it here!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Kiss In The Park

We met Mommy's friend, Susan, and her adorable son, Tristan in Central Park for a picnic. Tristan is five months younger than me, but weighs at least five pounds more than me. But neither of those things stopped me from putting the moves on him.

Tristan, what big muscles you have!

This smile's for you.

A little unsure of me, perhaps?

Big smile, and even bigger thighs.

Just making sure you wore your deodorant on this 95 degree day.

Confirmed. You smell pretty good.

I guess I'll go in for the kiss now.

Monday, July 18, 2011

In My 20s and 30s

I had my 15-month check-up today and aced it! My height has entered the 30s (31" to be exact, which makes me on the tall side) and I gained almost two pounds since my last visit, putting me at a solid 21 lbs. 10 oz. Mommy says it feels like more, but that's because when she's carrying me, she's actually carrying two babies.

 I didn't like getting undressed much, but once I was stripped down to my diaper, I got comfortable pretty quickly.

 I was a champ when I got my two shots; I barely cried.
The lollipops definitely made the experience a little sweeter.

In fact, getting dressed was actually more painful than getting the shots. (This is generally the case with me--I cry when I don't get what I want, but not when I get hurt.)

Which is how I ended up walking home topless.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Home Alone

I wasn't really home alone. But Mommy and Daddy did leave me for the first time ever, and for two whole nights! They were celebrating their 12 year wedding anniversary, which is kinda a big deal, so I guess I was okay with them leaving me for a few nights. It was also a mini-babymoon, because with my new sister arriving in less than four months, it'll be a long, long time before they can get away again sans children.

I'm not really complaining though. Nona and Poppy arrived on Friday for their one-month stay in Brooklyn. So they took care of me all weekend while Mommy and Daddy had some relaxing, romantic time away. 

It was nice to have playmates for the entire weekend.

And while I missed Mommy and Daddy, I was clearly quite happy, even in their absence.

 I was super cuddly with Poppy. 

 Really smiley with Nona.

And very proper having my afternoon tea with Auntie Kelley and Uncle Jude.

 I scribbled a picture for Mommy and Daddy.

And I napped unusually well.


Sure, Mommy and Daddy enjoyed their time together.

But the whole time they were away, they felt like somone was missing from the family portrait.

I mean, of course, I'm glad Mommy and Daddy were able to go away and have a break from 5am wake-up times, temper tantrums, and dirty diapers.
But boy was I excited when they came back to me!