Friday, July 29, 2011

It's a Bird, It's a Plane

It's a shopping cart. No, it's a book mobile. (Actually, it's a riding toy.)

I like to fill my doll stroller with books, toys, play food, and hair accessories. So Poppy thought it made perfect sense for me to have a something a little sturdier, like a shopping cart. I thought it was a good idea first.

It's a shopping cart.

No, it's a book mobile.

No, it's for hanging hangers and ribbons off of.

Clearly, I was very interested in my new shopping cart when I first got it. But unpredictable me, I hated it today. I fussed when it was near me, I screamed when Mommy offered to put my doll in it, but then I flat our bawled when Daddy took it away. That is, until Daddy de-coded my grunts, fusses, and cries, and finally figured out what I wanted.

I wanted a ride!

This is its intended purpose, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. there's never a dull moment with this little zadia are sooo entertaining! we love you xoxo
