Monday, November 10, 2014

3 Years: 20 Questions

Other than starting with a pacifier in my mouth, I'm all grown up in this video interview. I'm three now, after all.

Love and big girl questions, 
Aiyana Eden

Monday, November 3, 2014

Cupcakes Galore

Every time Mommy asked me what kind of birthday I wanted, all I said was "cupcakes." And when she asked me what color, I said "black." So that's exactly what I got. We were all sugared up from the Halloween festivities the day before, but there was more celebrating to be done. We invited thirty of my closest friends, who ventured out on a messy, rainy Saturday, for some even messier cupcake decorating fun.

We had all morning to get ready for the party and Zadia and I were big helpers.

 I had been persistently asking to wear this purple party dress for months, but Mommy made me save it for a special occasion. You might actually remember it from Zadia's 3rd birthday party.

The kids decorated banana and chocolate cupcakes, and Mommy's sundae-inspired mini-cupcakes were a hit with the grown-ups.

I got a little shy when it was time to sing "Happy Birthday," but I definitely wasn't bashful when it came to digging in. I had so many toppings on my cupcake that I needed a fork to pick it up, and a bib to keep it off my pretty dress.

I'm sure the Mommies and Daddies were thrilled with their kids' sugar intake that day. (You're welcome.)

We managed to get in a few family shots, all in which I'm wearing five pairs of socks. But hey, at least they matched my dress!

I had so much fun celebrating with my favorite people. The cupcakes were delicious, the company was entertaining, and the presents? Well, they were pretty fantastic too!

Mommy sure knows how to throw a party. But she says to please remind her next year not to do it back-back-to-back with Halloween!!!

Love and the sweetest celebrations,
Aiyana Eden