Monday, November 22, 2010


We were invited to an early Thanksgiving with friends in New Jersey, so I cheated a little and had my first taste of mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie a few days early. I loved the real food, but I liked the pretend food even better. 

I was happy and easy going all day, and it was the first day that I didn't cry in my car seat, not even once!

Napping in the morning, before a big day in the suburbs. And holding on tightly so nobody steals my crib while I'm sleeping.

A cupcake and a pink, retro kitchen set. I'm most definitely my Mommy's daughter.
That's Owen. We sat at the kiddie table together.

Wow, this is a big window, but where's all the action?

You will always find Mommy and Aunt Jenny hanging out wherever the babies are.  

 Would you like an orange block with your scrambled eggs?

(And thanks Tracey, for adding the word "Fakesgiving" to Mommy's vocabulary.)

1 comment:

  1. i think someday you'll have to have your own baking mommy...we love you zadia love!
