Thursday, May 9, 2013

Spring Things

In case you didn't already know, I LOVE to be outside. I think you've already heard the stories about how I put on my shoes and jacket and cry at the door until someone lets me out (Yes, it's just as sad as it sounds, which is why I almost always get my way.)

But Spring is in full swing, and we've been outside a lot more, which makes for one very happy little toddler.

Here are just some of my favorite Springtime things:

1. Outdoor snacks

2. Picnic blanket naps (at least one of us is napping)

3. Hand holding

4. Kite flying 

5. Frisbee throwing

6. Sour lemonade

6. Watermelon, watermelon, and more watermelon

7. Sunglasses and sunhats

Love and May flowers,
Aiyana Eden

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