Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Triboro Baby

Wheh! I visited three boroughs in three days. Nobody told me that having friends can be so exhausting!

Saturday - Brooklyn
We stayed local for brunch on Saturday, only going as far as Andy and Lauren's apartment, which is right upstairs. I tried crepes for the first time, and even though Andy's a great cook, I still prefer my fruit and cheese straight up. I chased the cats around the coffee table, and proved that my strength has no limits as I tried to pull the huge Harry Potter books off the shelf.

Sunday - Queens
We got out the door right after my morning nap and rode the N train all the way to Astoria Boulevard, one of the last stops in Queens. We had brunch with Randi and Sam, who used me as practice for when they have their own baby in July. They have a dog, an air purifier, and hands to help me walk, which is about all it takes to keep me entertained.

Monday - Manhattan 
I completed my triboro adventure on Monday when Mommy took me into Manhattan for a play date with Auntie Kelley and Gemma, the little girl she takes care of. You may remember Gemma and her neon green kitchen set from the play date I had with her back in December. Last time I was the chef, this time I was the baker. And this time I got a special hug good bye! 

1 comment:

  1. the traveler..the baker..the taster...hmmmm is there anything this little peanut doesn't do?
