Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Life(style)

Mommy and Daddy's super-awesome and super-talented friend, Ghazalle, took some "lifestyle" pictures of me for a project she was working on. We had lights, props, and even costume changes! I got a taste of what it would be like to be a baby model, but don't worry, Daddy strictly forbids me (yes, even if it could put me through college.) Oh, and in case you never noticed before, I'm very, very comfortable in front of the camera--you don't have to ask me to "Say Cheese!" twice! Or even once.

Here's a small sampling of the hundreds of great shots we got. And if you haven't had enough of me yet, you can see more of Mommy's and Daddy's favorites here.

Plus, you can see Auntie G's portfolio (featuring yours truly!) on