Thursday, April 3, 2014

I Can't Guess

Perhaps my favorite answer to any question (even when I know the answer) is, "I can't guess." It's probably the most adorable things that comes out of my mouth ever.

Mommy: "Aiyana, did you write on Mommy's bedroom door with crayon?" (Note: it was a very well-drawn parallelogram.)
Aiyana: (proudly) "Yeah, I did!"

Mommy: "Where do we write with crayons?"

Aiyana: "I can't guess!"

Mommy: "Well, where do we put stickers?"
Aiyana: "I don't know. I can't guess!!!" 

Mommy: "On paper, Aiyana. ONLY on paper. So...what do you say to Mommy for writing on her door."
Aiyana: "Ummm...I can't guess!" (This is a fun game for me.)

Aiyana: "YOU'RE WELCOME???"
Mommy: (Laughing) "No, you say I'm sorry."

And then Mommy hands me a stool and a magic eraser and I start scrubbing.

Love and adorable words out of my mouff,
Aiyana Eden

1 comment:

  1. Little Miss Personality....she just cracks me up when i hear her say precious little flower-we adore you! xoxoxoxo
