Sunday, November 27, 2011

Growing Up Nicastro

On the day after Thanksgiving we had the whole Nicastro clan together for the first time since Anthony and Aiyana were born. Which means we now have four babies under the age of 20 months. That also means there's lots of chaos, lots of crying, and of course, a whole lot of love.

Aiyana, meet your cousin, Anthony Francis.

Anthony, meet Aiyana Eden.

Both are proud to be 50% Italian.

Anthony is only nine days older, but about four pounds heavier.

We attempted a picture of Nona and Poppy with all four of the grand babies and hoped that one of them (or two of them) didn't have a meltdown. That was wishful thinking, I guess :)

Once everyone got fed and changed, we made a second attempt at the family photo, this time with all twelve of us. 

I think we were successful!

1 comment:

  1. We are so thankful....we are so Blessed....lots of laughter....lots of craziness....lots of tears(we hate good-byes)...but, never ending love.
    Hugs and kisses for all!
