Monday, August 27, 2012

The Beach: Take Two

Even though we spent a week in Cape Cod back in July, we spent less than two hours on the beach. That's because I had a melt down on the beach on the first day of vacation, so Mommy and Daddy thought maybe the beach wasn't really my thing. But since Mommy's such a beach bum (and would like her kids to be also), she decided to give me another chance to enjoy the sand and the waves. 

For a girl that dislikes grass on her feet, can't stand dirt on her hands, and hates water in her face, the trip to Long Beach could have been another disaster. But to everyone's surprise, I quite liked the beach the second time around. I was still skeptical about the water, but I had no problem finding other ways to amuse myself.

And Aiyana? A beach lover, just like her Mommy. She was fearless in the water.

Was completely unphased by how messy commando crawling in the sand was.

And learned how good a smashed peanut butter and jelly sandwich tastes on a hot day.

1 comment:

  1. oh these bathing beauties!.....zadia and aiyana, too. xoxoxoxo
