Saturday, August 4, 2012

Drinking Games and Other Silliness

According to our Mommies, Ollie and I can both be a little on the "moody" side (their words, not ours.) So even though we see each other often, it could take a few minutes (or a few hours) for us to warm up to each other. But once we do, we're like long lost friends. Or maybe more like siblings.

We make each other smile.

Play competitive (drinking) games.

We often look for one another.

And sometimes run from the other.



  1. friends forever! love them!!! xoxo

  2. what great pictures, I will have to steal your post and link from Ollie's blog! the one with Nona is just adorable! we sure have cute kids, don't we? :) although one of them needs a haircut.
