Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sand Between My Toes? No Thanks.

I had my feet in the ocean last year, but I was only three or four months old. And so far this summer I've been to the lake and the pool, but not the ocean...until today!

Mommy, Nona, and Poppy took me to Long Beach, NY (did you know it's only 21 miles from Brooklyn?) and while I was skeptical about the sand between my toes, I loved the waves and the water.

My first few steps in the sand were tolerable.

But then I decided I didn't like having dirty feet.

So I kept my feet up, even when I had shoes on.

And then I discovered a more fun way to keep my feet from getting sandy.

I wasn't afraid of the waves, though.

In fact, I actually enjoyed the water quite a bit.

I especially liked sucking my salty thumb.

I was going to help Poppy fly his kite, but prefered eating the spool.

Now I'm actually helping.

I loved being a beach bum with Nona.

And you can't beat the view from Poppy's shoulders.

But my favorite part was showering myself with ice-cold water from the cooler.

Good bye ocean. See you again soon.

Just wake me up when we get back to Brooklyn.


  1. ...and Nona and poppy loved it just as much! Xoxo

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
