Sunday, June 19, 2011

Camping 101

Mommy and Daddy took me on my first camping trip this weekend. We met Aunt Jenny at Harriman State Park at 10pm Friday night, and even though it was several hours past my bedtime, I was wide awake and curious. After finally going to bed with Mommy and Daddy at midnight and waking for the day at 5am (cranky and under-slept, of course) Mommy wondered whether camping with a 1-year-old was such a bright idea, after all.

But, I had a hearty breakfast and a mid-morning nap, and I woke up energetic, playful, and ready to explore.

From then on, we were in a smooth groove for the remainder of the trip.
Tubs of water kept me occupied for hours.

I tested out all of the chairs and found one that was just right for my little body.

I played with Daddy's hat.

Spent time on the beach with some of my favorite people.

And enjoyed some of my favorite foods.

The playground had lots for me to explore.

And when I was tired, I had a familiar friend to comfort me.

After a full day of activity and a huge dinner, I was easily lulled to sleep in my stroller at 8pm. I slept under the stars for a little while, which gave the adults time to enjoy fireside chats and S'mores.

To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. Aww Zadia matter what you're doing you do it so well and look so darn cute doing it. We love you xoxo
