Monday, April 11, 2011

One Year: Bananas & Chocolate

In honor of my real birthday, Mommy, Daddy, and I had a smaller, more intimate celebration on Sunday. I put on my birthday suit and did my monthly photo with Mr. Sock Monkey.

 Mommy and Daddy gave me my present--my very own mini kitchen.
(No, we don't have space for it. We actually have to move just to make room for all my new toys.)

And then it was off to The Chocolate Room for my first ever banana split. 
I dug in with my hands at first.

But then I showed off my fine motor skills by using a spoon. 
Mommy was relieved to see that I like chocolate and ice cream, just like her!

Presents, balloons, kisses, and ice cream. Birthdays are quite awesome. This pretty much sums up how I felt about the whole day...


  1. thank you, zadia....for an awesome first year. you are the total package.
    we love you
