Monday, August 26, 2013

Fun In VA: Days 3 and 4

It's been a few days since we returned from our girls trip to VA, but that's about how long it's taken us to catch back up on things at home (including the blog.)

We were quite busy during our four days in Virginia--swimming, dancing, tricycles, and scooters filled up our first two days. Days three and four were spent jumping, shopping, eating, swinging, and climbing. And is the case when we travel, we didn't sleep all that well. It's no wonder we were so exhausted when we got home!

Poppy treated us all to a morning at Jumpin' Jimmy's.

And Nona treated all four of us to a little shopping spree at Target. I went dressed in my "tea party gown" so I would already be dressed for the tea party that was to follow the shopping spree.

 We were quite a sight in the store, riding on shopping carts and test driving our favorite toys.

 And while the toys were Nona's treat, I really wanted to be big girl and pay for my own.

After spending that afternoon at Uncle Cory and Aunt Kacey's, it was off for yet another treat--ICE CREAM!!!

(Note: We were supposed to go the night before, but when I couldn't sit where I wanted during dinner, I broke into one of my epic 45 minute tantrums, ruining any chance we had of getting dessert that night.)

We had to catch the train back to NYC on Friday, but not before a morning trip to the playground with Poppy.

By this time we were pretty tired, so we were a little restless (and a lot loud) on the train back to New York. Mommy did her best to entertain us with videos, snacks, and at least four trips to the potty.

We were quite excited to see Daddy waiting at the train station for us. Mommy captured a sweet moment on the subway where Aiyana help Daddy's hand to her face and said,"I missed you." Adorable.

As always, we had so much fun with Nona, Poppy, and our cousins. But after climbing in and out of car seats all week, we were happy to get home to our preferred mode of transportation--strollers and the subway. 

Love and fun with family,
Zadia Love

1 comment:

  1. This was a wonderful 3 days having all my little loved ones in one place! I've always dreamed of taking all of them shopping to pick something out for themselves....never thought they all wanted to get a bunch of bananas! We are so Blessed! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
