Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Illusion of Happiness

We're in Massachusetts for a long weekend celebrating a belated Passover with Daddy's family. Even though we've stayed at Aunt Shira's plenty of times before, we don't really remember it so everything is new and exciting for us. But in between all of these adorable pictures of me smiling in the sunshine, was me screaming, crying, and fussing every time I didn't get my way.

Boy, sometimes being 17-months old is so hard. I mean, why can't I stand while the wagon is moving, climb a jungle gym with no shoes on, or pull the wagon through the streets all by myself? Why does Zadia get to decide who sits in the front or the back, why does Daddy insist on holding my hand, and why can't I swing solo like Zadia does? I sure hope these little disappointments are less devastating as I get older. And if you ask Mommy and Daddy, I'll bet they'd hope for the same :)

Love and tiny tantrums,
Aiyana Eden

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why life seems so unfair at times, my Princess Aiyana. No one likes to see you so upset....I know Nona and Poppy don't. But, we all love you sooooo much and just want to put you in my pocket.
    Can't wait to see you in a few days!
