Friday, April 12, 2013

3 Years: 20 Questions

(Mommy had trouble posting the video the other day, so here it is again, in case you missed it the first time.)

Mommy and Daddy plan to ask me these same questions every year.

Most of my answers were pretty predictable this year, although you can see a few of them were slight surprises to Mommy. It'll be interesting to see how my answers change from year to year (or from day to day.)

The transcription (with mommy's comments):

1. what's your favorite color? purple and pink 

2. what's your favorite toy? um, my, purple suitcase 

3. what's your favorite stuffed animal? dog bunny (duh?)

4. what's your favorite thing to sleep with? um, my animals in my bed--butter, sarah, peekaboo, and woof 

5. what's your favorite fruit? plum 

6. what's your favorite cereal? um, cranberries and nuts 

7. what's your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? oatmeal (it's actually cereal or pancakes)

8. what's your favorite thing to eat for lunch? um, turkey sandwiches (it's actually mac n cheese. but only the kind from a box.)

9. what's your favorite dessert? ice cream--strawberry, and chocolate, vanilla, and mint (even though she never had it)

10.what's your favorite drink? um, lemonade 

11. what do you want to eat for your birthday dinner? um, green beans and spaghetti (it was mac n cheese. her choice.)

12. what's your favorite animal? um, hmmmm, um, my sock monkey 
what about a real animal, if you could have an animal for a pet, what would you want? i want a kitty and a doggie (she's been asking for  cat and a dog for months now)

13. what's your favorite book? um, um, hmm, pinkalicious 

14. what's your favorite song? twinkles (a.k.a. twinkle twinkle little star)

15. what's your favorite game? um, matching game (it would be hide and seek, hands down)

16. what's your favorite tv show, your favorite video? um, dora and olivia and sesame street 

17. what's your favorite movie? do you have a favorite movie? a long video? hmmm, the princess and the frog 

18. what's your favorite thing to do outside? um play ball (2nd only to swinging at the playground)

19. who's your best friend? alec and evan (last week it was ollie and audrey)

20. what do you want to be when you grow up?: um, a princess (naturally)


  1. How can we not just love this little girl? Xoxo

  2. love it! I'm totally stealing this idea!

  3. Happy birthday Zadia! I'm totally stealing this idea too. Miss you guys!
