Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Just Pretendin'

My new favorite game is "Pretend." I pretend anything and everything. It basically means I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, because well, "I'm just pretendin'." I pretend I'm a doctor. I pretend to play school. I take pretend naps and I pretend to go to bed. I pretend I'm a princess, a swimmer, and a mommy. I pretend to go on picnics, pretend I'm on a train, and pretend to go potty. I make up pretend names and pretend words to go along with my pretend stories.

Daddy and I were pretendin' to play "Restaurant House," where my bedroom is a cozy bedroom and a restaurant all in one. There's always a bedtime story before we pretend to go to bed. That's how this conversation started anyway...


  1. are you kidding me? zadia love....you are such an amazing little girl....you can tell nona one of your stories any time. when i come visit in a few weeks i hope you'll tell me one of your pretend stories. love you to the moon and back! xoxoxoxo

  2. Zadia has gotten so chatty and creative! I look forward to having a visit soon. <3
