Monday, February 6, 2012

New Developments

Three months has brought a lot of new milestones for baby Aiyana. For starters, she fell sleep on her belly while playing, which is quite different from her usual swaddled-and-purposefully-placed-on-her-back position.

Mommy was amazed that Aiyana fell asleep on her belly, but even more surprised that she managed to do so with chaos all around her (including Britney Spears songs playing in the background.)

And though Mommy knows Aiyana sucks on her fingers all the time, she's never put herself to sleep that way.

Maybe these are all the secrets to getting her past those 25 minute naps???

Unfortunately not.  As usual, Aiyana woke up less than 25 minutes later. But now she was on her back, which means she rolled over! So that was a first for her too!

Aiyana, can you roll over again?

1 comment:

  1. We're all so proud of little Aiyana Eden! And she has the best role model in her big sister Zadia Love!
