Friday, December 16, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree

We were planning to decorate our tree this week, but when Daddy had to go to Israel unexpectedly, Mommy wondered whether she'd be able to pull it off without him. 

We sure did pull it off! But, we couldn't have done it without the help of Uncle Jude, who showed up at our doorstep with Christmas tree in hand!

Since we couldn't fit a tree in our tiny apartment last year, Aiyana and I get to experience out first tree-decorating experience together this year.

I scattered dozens of bulbs all over the floor, while Aiyana mostly just stared at the lights.

It took a while, but I managed to hang a few all by myself! 

When it was time to clean up, I insisted on taking all the bulbs back off the tree.

Mommy re-decorated it once Aiyana and I were sound asleep.

And then we left three extra special presents under the tree for Daddy!

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