Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Home Is Where the Family Is

Nona and Poppy retired and relocated to Virginia last week. Uncle Cory, Aunt Kacey, and Ysabella already live in VA, and the rest of us went down to help Nona and Poppy settle into their new home.

Me and Ysabella lounging on Popp.

Uncle Jude making sure i don't roll off the table. 

After my bath with Auntie Kelley.
What's up with bald men kissing on me? It's Daddy and Uncle Cory, so I guess it's okay.

Nona loves me, she loves me not, she LOVES me!

Uncle Cory and Aunt Kacey's annual 40oz.party is a special occasion, so mommy let Uncle Du share his 40 ounces with me.
Backyard glamour shots with Mommy.

Aunt Kacey didn't get to hold me as much as she usually does because her hands were full with painting Nona and Poppy's bathroom (and holding her own baby, of course.)

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