Wednesday, March 14, 2012


There are new developments in the Doron household.

I'm using the potty consistently and successfully. I used to put up a fight at potty time, but now I grab Dog Bunny, tell Mommy "I need privacy," and ask her to close the door behind her when she leaves.

I'm still a ways from being fully potty trained (don't forget I'm not even two yet), but I can often be found prancing around the apartment in my big-girl underwear and Mommy hasn't changed a poopie diaper in almost two weeks!

And of course, I make sure I get my my "special treat" after a successful sitting. Some kids might hope for candy, but I get pretty excited for carrot applesauce in a "squeeze-y pouch."

As if that's not big enough news, Aiyana's tiny little hands are strong enough to hold her tiny little body in a standing position, unassisted.

And while she's been eating purees and cereal like a champ, she just had her first experience with feeding herself table food out of a special food-feeder and she LOVED that too!

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