Monday, May 30, 2011

This Place Is a Zoo

We were upstate for the long weekend visiting my great grandparents. The rain held off long enough to fit in a field trip to the Utica Zoo and a local burger joint.

Ever see a white peacock? Me either. Because I was sleeping for this part.
Wide awake and coordinated with Daddy.
Goat or sheep? (Daddy had to Google that one.)
Goat food tastes like cat food. Yummy or yucky?
 I really didn't like the way this llama stared me down.
French fries dipped in broccoli-pea-pear sauce. That's one way to get me to eat my veggies.
Besides, eating my veggies means ice cream for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. zadia're still the cutest little monkey. we love you xoxo
