Sunday, May 29, 2011

Barf City

How was the drive from Brooklyn to Frankfort? 

Great, except we stopped seven times, three of which were to change my clothes because I threw up all over them (I get my motion sickness from the Nicastro side.) Maybe that's whey I never liked my car seat?

I started out pretty happy.

 But a rear-facing car seat and traffic is apparently a bad combination for me.So stop number one occurred before we even got out of Manhattan.

Stop number two was in the Bronx. By this time, I threw up my dinner and my lunch. Mommy gave up on cute outfits and just stuck me in my pajamas.

But when I puked all over those somewhere in Westchester, it was on to outfit number three.

After that, it was (mostly) smooth sailing.

1 comment:

  1. poor little honey....i totally understand! but, i'm still so happy you got to make the trip. we love you xoxo
