Sunday, May 22, 2011

If Ya Can't Beat 'Em

Not sure why, but I have a small obsession with garbage cans. I throw everything in the garbage--clean tissues, dirty socks, a shoe or two. Oh, and I think that's where the pear to my play food set ended up. And my triangle sorting block. which I haven't seen in months.

Mommy got a little exhausted pulling clean things out of the dirty garbage, so she finally decided to give me a garbage (and tissue box) of my own! This should keep me busy for a little while, anyway.


  1. aww look she's the new sanitation engineer! way too funny!!!
    love you zadia love xoxo

  2. what a brilliant idea! I've never seen anyone so happy about a trash can. :)

  3. already into cleaning up like mommy, how funny! :-)
