Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Black Scooter Problems

Mommy has a ton of pictures that we need to share from the past few weeks, but phone problems and busy schedules have made it tough to post them. Until then, here's some wise words by yours truly:

Aiyana has taken over my scooter and refuses to share, so I've been asking to get my own scooter. Mommy found a very gently used black scooter for me, but I was a little disappointed with the color. I don't particularly like black, unless it's striped with white. I had a little fit about it, but I felt better after we agreed to decorate the black scooter with zebra stripes and/or paint it purple. After riding my new scooter for the first time today I had an A-HA moment and said to Mommy, "As I was riding my scooter today, I realized something. It's not about the color, it's about having FUN!" 

So mature for a 4-year-old, right? Yup. 

Then I demanded that Mommy buy me a basket for my scooter. Mommy said no because I already have one for my bike, and well, things cost money and I don't need two baskets anyway. To which I not-so-maturely had a meltdown and screamed, "I hate you. You're not pretty. I'm going to pee on you."

Luckily, Mommy has a pretty thick skin when it comes to these things. Sigh. 

Love and my many moods,
Zadia Love

1 comment:

  1. ...exactly what makes our Zadia so unique and why we love her so much! xoxoxoxo
