Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Love Ya Like a Sis

Ollie's little sister, Vivienne, and I have been spending lots of time together. Partially because our mommies enjoy each others' company, but also because Tracey and Mommy have been filling in as the assistant teacher at school, while the other of them babysits the little ones.

I've really taken on a big sister role with little Vivienne. Holding her hand as we walk down the street, wiping her mouth after a snack, and smothering her with hugs. 

 She even came to dance class with me.

I can't wait until Vivienne's a little bigger so our Mommies don't have to worry that my enthusiastic hugs will squash her.

Love and big hugs for little ones,
Aiyana Eden


  1. Aiyana, Vivienne loved hanging out with you so much, you would be a great big sister! And she loved your dance class so much that she made Mama sign her up for her own class. Maybe next "semester" the two of you can take a class together just like your older siblings used to!

  2. aww aiyana.....such a good big sister to pretty little should really talk to mommy and daddy about you honey to the moon and back xoxo
