Monday, September 30, 2013

Afternoon 'Ade

I asked Mommy if we could host my girlfriends for some afternoon tea. Although instead of tea, I wanted lemonade.

And cookies.

And then it was party time.

Love and afternoon tea,
Zadia Love

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Mommy's Girl

These are the moments Mommy lives for.

Love and precious moments,
Aiyana Eden

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Snow White Meets Barbie

We had a play date at our friends Audrey and Aisley's last week. With four girlie girls and lots of dresses and high heels, it was a very pretty sight. 

Who would have guessed Barbie, Snow White, and Elmo would be friends? In the world of  an (almost) 2-year-old and a 3-year-old, anything is possible.

Love and unlikely friends,
Zadia Love

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Love Ya Like a Sis

Ollie's little sister, Vivienne, and I have been spending lots of time together. Partially because our mommies enjoy each others' company, but also because Tracey and Mommy have been filling in as the assistant teacher at school, while the other of them babysits the little ones.

I've really taken on a big sister role with little Vivienne. Holding her hand as we walk down the street, wiping her mouth after a snack, and smothering her with hugs. 

 She even came to dance class with me.

I can't wait until Vivienne's a little bigger so our Mommies don't have to worry that my enthusiastic hugs will squash her.

Love and big hugs for little ones,
Aiyana Eden

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Reunited in Brooklyn

Leda, Jenny, and Tommy came to see us a few weekends ago. The five month age gap between me and Leda is feeling smaller, and Zadia and I really both love having another girl in the house!

We had a lot of fun, but the bedtime rituals were our favorite part of the weekend.

Mommy, Zadia and I really liked having three little ones running around. But Daddy says don't get any crazy ideas.

Love and sleepover parties,
Aiyana Eden

Monday, September 23, 2013

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall

Have you missed your daily dose? Don't worry, we're still here. We've just been a little preoccupied with life. We'll get you all caught up soon, we promise.

Meanwhile, school is in session and the seasons have changed. Good thing we got in one last visit to Pier 6's Swing Valley and Water Lab before the sprinklers got shut off.

Love and the end of summer,
Aiyana Eden

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Afternoon Delight

Soon it'll be time to switch over to hot chocolate. But not before squeezing in one more ice cream cone.

 In case you're not sure how I feel about ice cream, just look:

 Love and end-of-summer treats,
Aiyana Eden

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Passion for Purple

We recently bought a car and I specifically asked for a purple or pink one. We got black instead. I told Mommy I'd like to decorate it purple and pink. 

Mommy said you don't see purple or pink cars very often. But guess what we found on our way to the playground the other day? I happened to be wearing my pretty purple party dress (again!) which made for one perfectly purple picture.

Love and everything purple,
Zadia Love

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Saturday in the Park

There's no place I'd rather be.

Love and pretty playground pics,
Aiyana Eden

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Back to School

I had a great first day back at school today.

A good luck hug from my baby sister.

I picked this outfit out myself!

Here's my new school, only two blocks away.

I made myself right at home.

Love and #2 pencils,
Zadia Love