Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Our Hearts Belong To Brooklyn

Ah, Brooklyn. We love you so. 

Mommy's best friend Jenny came back for a visit last week with her 14 month old daughter, Leda. It was so great for Mommy and Jenny to spend time together with their little girls in the city they both love so much. 

Even though I struggled with having another mother figure and another toddler in my apartment for four days, I must admit I really did have fun showing baby Leda all the things that make Brooklyn awesome.

Like going to three different playground in three days.

The Prospect Park Zoo is only 1.6 miles away--a short (?) 35 minute walk from our apartment. That means the ducks and goats are practically our neighbors!

I've been on a few carousels in my 19 months, but I'm pretty sure our zoo is the only one with a lion.

Brooklyn also offers some of the best food in NYC. Right Mommy?

Tell your Mommy that you need to come visit us in Brooklyn every summer. Two little girls my be company, but three is never a crowd (not even in our tiny apartment.)

Love and hugs from Brooklyn,
Aiyana Eden

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