Monday, June 24, 2013

Classic Us

The end of this month has been crazy busy. Zadia had her last week of school, and Mommy's been busy wrapping up the school year, while also preparing for next year's class. Then we had a house full of guests which gave us lots of excuses to run around the neighborhood doing fun things, but very little time to blog. 

So while we work on catching you up on all of the June craziness, here's a little peak at what we've been doing while "bumming" around at home.

Zadia spotted a few bears (yes, bears!) in our apartment, so Daddy borrowed some Bear Spray from his office. Luckily, it seems to be keeping them at a safe distance.

And in classic Zadia style, my big sister continues to have a love/hate relationship with some of her favorite people. Sometimes she needs everyone (including her beloved DogBunny) as far away from her as possible.

Love and classic us moments,
Aiyana Eden

1 comment:

  1. oh that imagination! oh those beautiful girls! we love them and miss them already. xoxoxoxo
