Saturday, May 3, 2014

Weekend with Nona and Poppy

Mommy and Daddy's friends Ed and Diana got married last weekend (yay!) so Mommy and Daddy had a much-deserved weekend away, while we hung back in Brooklyn with Nona and Poppy. We stuck to the regular routine of pizza and movie on Friday night and the playground on Saturday. And we had a few special treats thrown in, like birthday parties, ice cream, and our first church experience. 

Mommy and Daddy had a lot of fun, but then, so did we! Here are some highlights from the weekend:


Love and fun with Nona and Poppy,
Aiyana Eden

1 comment:

  1. Oh our beautiful Zadia and of our favorite weekends ever!!! We savor every moment spent with you girls and we love you forever and always! xoxoxoxo
