Thursday, April 10, 2014

On The Day You Were Born

Dearest Zadia,

Tonight is the eve of your 4th birthday. You asked me and Daddy to read you a book about birthdays. You said no to the Olivia book about a birthday because that book is about a pig. You didn't want Froggy Bakes a Cake, because that's about a family of frogs. So I asked you if you wanted to hear the story of the day you were born, and your face lit up with excitement and anticipation. It's that face that I love the most. The one where your BIG eyes get even bigger.

You have the same reaction when I tell you we're having mac-n-cheese for lunch, or that it's show-n-share day at school, or that I bought you and Aiyana matching dresses. Your excitement for life is contagious-it's what makes me look forward to tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Because I know every day with you is an adventure just waiting to happen.

Sometimes I wonder what you'll be like when you grow up. But then I realize I already know. You're the girl that brings presents to her friends when it's not their birthdays, brings Aiyana her favorite stuffed animal when she's sad, but wants to be completely alone when she's frustrated. You're the girl who wants to run the fastest and jump the highest, but gets frustrated when she's not first for everything. You're the girl that writes new recipes, gives people nicknames, and invents elaborate games, but gets upset when nobody wants to play them. You're the girl that wants to explore places you've never been, but wants to live at home with Mommy forever. 

When you grow up you'll be an even more thoughtful, more sensitive, more competitive, more creative, and more beautiful version of who you are now. I don't want you to grow up any faster than you already are, but I also can't wait to go on your life's little adventures with you. 

Happy 4th Birthday, Zadia Love.

1 comment:

  1. My Beautiful's no wonder why I love you so much. Happy 4th Birthday, my Zadia Love....may the sun shine brightly and rainbows be ever so bright today and always. We Love You! xoxo
