Saturday, March 9, 2013

Snow Day

Friday was a snowy, wet, windy, and dreary day here in Brooklyn. We were supposed to host a baby playgroup at our house, but with the weather being so yucky, everyone canceled. Zadia and I were both a little disappointed, but we kept ourselves entertained with some new uses for household objects and ordinary toys.

I fight Mommy when it's time to put on my clothes, but anything from Zadia's closet is fair game. I chose her rain boots and winter hat and was ready to go bye-bye. To my disappointment, we never left the house that day.

Mommy cleared some bookshelves so she and Zadia could turn them into a lofted dollhouse.

 Mommy cleaned out one of her drawers, which left it empty for us to sit in.

Who says play kitchen pots are just for pretend? They're perfect for my dried banana chip snack!

Wipes. Wipes. And more wipes. I'm obsessed with them and Mommy and Daddy may need to stage an intervention soon. (And notice the absence of pants. Once they come off, there's no convincing me to put them back on. Another strong-willed Doron girl here. Go figure.)

Love and lazy snow days,
Aiyana Eden

1 comment:

  1. just like two peas in a pod!!! Both clever, smart and glad they're ours! we love you zadia and aiyana xoxoxoxo
