Sunday, December 16, 2012

Bring On The Holiday Traditions

This has been the most fun Christmas yet. Ok. So this is only my third holiday season so far (and I don't remember my first two) but still, I'm having such a great time learning Mommy's traditions and creating some new Doron family traditions.

Mommy has always done a lot of baking around the holidays, and this year she had two little helpers.

I'd never built a gingerbread house, and neither had Mommy and Daddy. So this was a new tradition for all of us Dorons and one we plan to carry on each year.

The first house came with a broken roof, so we used it as "practice."

Daddy picked up another one on his way home, and this time we were able to put a roof over our gingerbread family's heads. 

I love my finished product, but I was most excited about putting the peppermint curtains on the windows (and eating lots of gumdrops in between.)

Perhaps the most fun tradition for me right now is Santa. I couldn't wait to write him a letter.

Although I forgot to mention that I would like a new DogBunny, so we told hm in person when we ran into him at a German beer garden. Only in Brooklyn, right?